* MIEKE LAMBRIGTS (field recordings + sine waves _ discreet music on the verge of disappearing _ The New Ghent School of Electronica _ http://www.myspace.com/miekelambrigts)
* ID M THEFT ABLE (found art + sounds _ Fluxust performance + Dada vocals _ http://www.kraag.org/id/)
* JEROEN VANDESANDE (experimental electronics _ The New Ghent School of Electronica _ Machinefabriek collaborator _ http://www.myspace.com/jeroenvds)
* BLK W/ BEAR + VJ POPPINS (caustic drones + broadcast interference _ turntable noise + amplified cello _ live synaesthesiatic video mix _ http://www.myspace.com/blkwbear)
* DC LISTENING LOUNGE _ AUDIO INSTALLATION (the art + craft of audio _ new adventures in storytelling _ http://www.dclisteninglounge.com/)
** Purchase a full festival pass (9 shows for $50) online at http://www.dc-soniccircuits.org
** Sonic Circuits continues through Sunday, October 5, at Velvet Lounge and National Museum of Women in the Arts in the District and at Pyramid Atlantic in Silver Spring, Maryland.
Official Website: http://www.dc-soniccircuits.org
Added by BLKwBEAR on September 23, 2008