365 Fifth Avenue
New York City, New York 10016

On Tuesday, June 19 at 7:30 pm, the Tobenski-Algera Concert Series, an organization devoted to the presentation of new musical works by American Composers, will present the world premiere performance of the piano accompaniment version of David Del Tredici’s song cycle, “Gay Life,” on their concert titled, “Songs by Gay American Composers.” The concert will also feature works by composers Chester Biscardi, Roger Zahab, Darien Shulman and Dennis Tobenski. Performing will be tenors Rob Frankenberry and Dennis Tobenski, with pianists Marc Peloquin, Chester Biscardi and David Del Tredici.

Admission to the concert is free.

The Tobenski-Algera Concert Series, founded by composers Dennis Tobenski and Jeff Algera, is devoted to the presentation of new works by young and emerging composers. The series has presented over a dozen substantial new works since their inception in April 2006. More information is available online at www.tobenskialgera.com, via email to info@tobenskialgera.com or by calling 815-953-1979.

Official Website: http://www.tobenskialgera.com

Added by dmtoben on June 5, 2007

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