What combination of skill and talent allows a writer to birth a novel? Explore your creativity and tenacity in this workshop highlighting the essential elements of a novel – building a scene and honing the story question. By analyzing your favorite fiction, you will learn about innate style and themes. In each class, participants will complete short, concrete writing exercises to sharpen skills and boost confidence. Work will not be critiqued.

Two sessions:
Eight Wednesdays, September 19-November 7, 2007, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Limited enrollment

Eight Wednesdays, September 19-November 7, 2007, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Limited enrollment

Registration and fee information available on GSCS Web site.

Official Website: http://gscs.rice.edu/NccCourseView.asp?Mode=View&clCourseID=162

Added by gscs_rice on July 27, 2007


Trinity of Sorrow

Does anyone know what time?


it should start at 7