April 16 Preview Party 6-9pm & April 17-18 noon to 6pm both days
Come celebrate SOMA Spring Studios at LIZLAND, Liz Mamorsky's colorful Studio of Functional & Dysfunctional Art, featuring her visionary oil and acrylic paintings on canvas, fantastical drawn miniatures on amate barkskin as well as anthropomorphic recycled materials Artbots, Sculpture and Tables culled from the detritus of society. Her work resides in numerous public and private collections including: The Contemporary Jewish Museum, San Francisco; The Spertus Museum, Chicago; The Oakland Museum of California, Sony Corporation, Nektar Therapeutics, First National Bank of Arizona, Santa Clara Medical Center, Tonellerie Demptos, Bordeaux, France; Francois Freres, St. Romain, France; Taransaud, Cognac, France and Paramount Pictures for the set of Star Trek:Voyager.
Liz and LIZLAND have been featured in AmericanStyle, California Home+Design, The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, SF Bay Guardian, SF Arts Monthly, HGTV, The Food Network, KGO-TV, KPIX-TV, KRON-TV, BART-TV, ARTDAILY.ORG, BREATHE, ROBOT and SERVO magazines among others.
In addition to Liz's visual goodies, Mel Knox will be pouring his wonderful Italian varietal Uvaggio wines. Food and drinks are on the house at the April 16th, Friday night Preview Party, 6-9pm and April 17-18, Saturday and Sunday, noon-6pm events. All three days are free and open to the public. Don't miss this chance to speak with a real live winemaker while viewing amazing art.
Over 90 artists within walking distance of LIZLAND will be participating in SOMA Spring Open Studios. For more information and map to other artists' studios see www.somaopenstudios.org. Maps will also be available at LIZLAND.
Official Website: http://www.lizland.com
Added by FullCalendar on April 9, 2010