'Beyond All Boundaries,' created exclusively for The National World War II Museum, is a unique and powerful 4-D cinematic experience available nowhere else in the world. Created and crafted with 21st-century technology and utilizing a 120-feet wide immersive screen, the production plunges viewers into the 20th-century's most titanic struggle. It tells the tale of the Greatest Generation's journey from Pearl Harbor into the fire of epic battles to America's final victory in the War That Changed the World in the words of the veterans themselves. The Museum is honored to have Tom Hanks as Executive Producer and the voices of some of Hollywood's top stars bringing to life the words of actual World War II participants and war correspondents. True to history it is, but to appeal to the broadest possible audience -- from the Greatest Generation to Gen Y -- the Museum engaged Hollywood technicians to create a jaw-dropping experience in 4-D, a technique that engages all the audience's senses with digital effects, life-sized props, animation, and atmospherics as well as film and sound. Audiences will feel the tank treads rumbling across North Africa's deserts, brush snow from their cheeks during the wintery Battle of the Bulge, and flinch as anti-aircraft fire tries to bring down their B-17 on a bombing run over Nazi Germany.
Added by Upcoming Robot on January 9, 2010