Details aren't available yet, but one or more of the Solar Power Roadshow's activities (from the liste below) will be at the Surrey Children's Festival..
Model sailcars and races
See photos of sailcars at Aberdeen Mall:
Experiment and build wind turbines
See how it went at Science World this year:
Model solar car building , and races
See how it went at Making Tracks last year year:
Sustainable Energy magic show
Mystery Solar Power Device competition
(General Description of Solar Power Roadshow's activities below..)
Build solar and sail cars, wind turbines, ocean and tidal wave energy generator. Fuel cells. See a Stirling engine, and generate watts with its electronic version, the thermoelectric module.
Revive dead batteries using a solar panel even on a cloudy day.
Survival game! In a simulated Arctic crash scenario, students will build solar ovens from pieces of a downed airplane to melt frozen chocolate bars and thereby save themselves from starvation.
Solar-charged stress meters enhance brain activities.
Race to build a mystery solar-powered device.
Use tap water to run clocks and calculators. Edu-fun magic show.
Official Website:
Added by SolarPowerRoadshow on February 10, 2007