Solar Drinks is an opportunity for folks in the greater Portland area to meet other community members who support renewable energy. Come join us for a relaxed social and networking event where you can speak with Solar Oregon staff, solar industry members and your neighbors about any topic under the sun!
"Is the solar Feed In Tariff a good FIT for you?"
Featured speaker, Kacia Brockman will give a 30 minute presentation about Oregon's recent solar incentive pilot project and how it might apply to you.
Speaker Bio: Kacia is the Senior Solar Program Manager for Energy Trust of Oregon, a nonprofit organization that invests “public purpose funding” in energy efficiency and renewable energy resources in Oregon. Her program offers financial incentives for the installations of new solar energy systems, provides quality assurance, promotes solar training for the trades and supports public education to encourage the use of solar energy in Oregon. Kacia has served on the Solar Oregon board of directors since 2005, lives in an energy-efficient solar home in Portland and is a Master Recycler. She has a B.S. in Engineering Physics, having worked for 10 years in telecommunications engineering before redirecting her career toward renewable energy in 2003.
Note: Due to limited space we ask that you RSVP at the following link:
Added by solaroregon on June 22, 2010