Join Shuzen Sensei for residential Zen practice at St. Raphaela Center in Haverford, PA. This retreat is an opportunity to return to ourselves, to listen to the silence and to savor quiet, natural surroundings. It is a wonderful way to see the old year out and to prepare for the new. Characterized by silence and deep introspection, Sesshin is recommended for anyone who is sincerely interested in experiencing intensive Zen training.
Soji Members $375/$125 per night. Non-Members $475/$150 per night. *Single Rooms are available for an additional $250 deposit.
Daily Commuters:** Sunday and Thursday $60 per day. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday $75 per day. **Includes 3 meals per day M,T,W.
Pre-Registration Required. No registrations taken without registration form and deposit. For Questions and Registration contact: or call Jinshin (Brenda Waters) at 917.856.5659.
Added by jlwspring on October 28, 2009