IFIP TC2 CEE-SET is the highly prestigious series of software engineering conferences attracting researchers and practitioners from all over the world, serving as a fertilizing forum for exchanging ideas and experiences concerning software engineering techniques and processes.
CEE-SET’2011 is the continuation of previous successful conferences held in Poland and the Czech Republic.
CEE-SET’2011 received the privilege to grant the IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award for Excellence in Software: Theory and Practice to the best paper to be selected by the CEE-SET Award Committee.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to join the CEE-SET community, contribute to and experience its fertilizing professional atmosphere in Debrecen, the host city of CEE‑SET’2011, one of the most vivid and coziest nooks in Hungary.
The conference is a forum for the presentation and evaluation of both currently used methods and techniques and new approaches or directions in software engineering.
The main topics include:
- Software architectures
- Middleware, frameworks and components
- Software components and reuse
- Model-driven software development
- Software development methodologies
- Software requirements engineering and modeling
- Software quality
- Software measurement and metrics
- Software testing, analysis and verification
- Software products and process improvement
- Formal methods in software engineering
- Agile software development methodologies and practices
- Maintenance and reverse engineering
- Methods and tools in software engineering
- Experimentation in software engineering
- Evidence-based software engineering
- Software projects management
- Building empirical models and theories in software engineering
- Future of software engineering research and practice
- Adaptive and self-managing software systems
- Documentation management in software project
- Human factors in software engineering
- Software engineering training and education
- Software engineering for secure and safe systems
- Project management
- Distributed systems development
- Mobile application development
- Full-paper submissions (up to 12 LNCS pages): April 30, 2011
- Work-in-Progress submissions (up to 6 LNCS pages): May 15, 2011
- Notification sent to authors: June 15, 2011
- Conference program ready: June 30, 2011
- Camera ready papers due: (LNCS format): June 30, 2011
- Early registration closes: June 30, 2011
- Conference opens: August 25, 2011
Conference information provided by konferenciakalauz.hu
Official Website: http://cee-set.njszt.hu/