Software East brings the best software speakers to the Eastern region.
Steven Kelly - Moving from Coding to Model-Driven Development
Everybody would like the productivity benefits of modelling with full code generation, but the upgrade path from coding to modelling seems a closely guarded secret. This session will demystify Domain-Specific Modelling, open the lid on the OMG’s MDA, and shine a light on Microsoft’s Software Factories. We will show which bits of Model-Driven Development (MDD) work, which might work, and which don’t, and explain where they can be applied – and where not. Most importantly, we will show the steps to define your own modelling languages and generators to start using models effectively, road-tested in dozens of projects over a decade.
Steven is CTO of MetaCase and co-founder of the DSM Forum. He has over fifteen years of experience of tool building and consultancy in Domain-Specific Modelling. As architect and lead developer of MetaEdit+, he has seen it win or be a finalist in awards from SD Times, Byte, Net.Object Days, and Jolt Productivity. He has co-authored a book and over 20 articles in journals such as Dr. Dobb’s, and regularly speaks at events like Code Generation and Software Architect. Steven is a member of IASA, on the editorial board of JDM, and a full-back in the Finnish 3rd division.
Danilo Beuche - Get started with Software Product Lines - Key success factors and what to avoid
Organisations as different as embedded automotive suppliers and investment banks face the challenge of producing portfolios of similar-but-different software applications. However, many of them struggle with mindsets, processes and tooling that is more appropriate to one-of-a-kind system development without realising that there is a better way...
This talk introduces Software Product Lines - a strategic approach to developing such interdependent product families that has been shown to yield major organisational and financial benefits. Based on extensive experience introducing product lines into a wide variety of organisations Danilo will discuss the key success factors in introducing product lines and highlight the pitfalls to avoid.
Danilo works for pure-systems GmbH, a specialist provider of tools and services for the application of Software Product Line technology. As well as managing the company Danilo also consults extensively on Product Line Engineering, mainly for clients in embedded industries. Danilo has been a tutorial presenter, speaker, workshop organizer and panellist at conferences such as AOSD, ISORC, SPLC and OOPSLA. He is also author of many articles in scientific journals and software development magazines. Danilo has a PhD from the University of Magdeburg for his research applying Software Product Line Engineering to embedded operating systems development.
Software East is for software professionals who want to learn about state-of-the-art software practice, process or technology from internationally-known speakers without the time, costs and hassle of having to travel to London or beyond and without having to pay expensive conference fees. The focus of our events is on sharing practical experience of software development.
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Added by Mark Dalgarno on October 6, 2008