1000 Marsh Road
Menlo Park, California 94025

In the last few years Software as a Service has proved to be a viable business model and also offering significant competitive advantage. On the consumer front Google is blazing a brand new trail. On the enterprise front Salesforce, WebEx are now executing their second play. Yahoo is offering services for consumers and small businesses online. There are quite few on-demand services to be rolled out in the consumer and enterprise markets in the coming years.

"In the last few years Software as a Service has proved to be a viable business model and also offering significant competitive advantage. On the consumer front Google is blazing a brand new trail. On the enterprise front Salesforce, WebEx are now executing their second play. Yahoo is offering services for consumers and small businesses online. There are quite few on-demand services to be rolled out in the consumer and enterprise markets in the coming years.
What are the challenges in building Software as a Service business? What are the challenges in running such a service? How do they offer the consistent quality of service? Where is the business headed?"

John V. Bautista, Partner, Corporate, Orrick

Bobby Napiltonia, Senior Vice President, SalesForce.Com
Praful Shah, Vice President, WebEx

Email: jr@vctaskforce.com
Phone: 650-968-1304

Official Website: http://www.vctaskforce.com

Added by FullCalendar on May 10, 2006



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