123 Everywhere
Southfield, Michigan

I personally do a lot of marketing online. Here, there, everywhere! But recently Ive been focusing on my Twitter accounts and getting the right message in front of the right people, at the right time. I must say that SocialOomph has done just that. Again, Ive invested in many tools that enhance and help with different actions required by marketers. But this is by far the industry leader! If you are in need of a system that allows you to manage all of your social activities online, this is about as close to "perfect" that you will get anytime soon. You have access to virtually every aspect of the social networking sites. Twitter: anything from scheduling updates to creating queries for DM's to having unlimited accounts to auto-respond greetings for new followers to vetting friends to watching everything unfurl from your tweetcockpit. Facebook, Blogs, and more - you name it. it can be access! So, as amazed as I was that this exists, I knew that there had to be a downside. You get a FREE account that gives you access to probably 80% of the tools. You can upgrade to the "Pro" version, which is where i'm at. This comes with a 7 Day FREE trial, then you either stay with pro, or revert back to a free account. The downside being that its not the cheapest that Ive come across. A little less than 30 bucks a month. but for what i was getting at 15 to 20 bucks, im okay with it. Whenever you can reduce your labor and increase your output, its a good investment. it comes with spam controls that run parallel with Twitter to eliminate duplications and dropped accounts due to spamming. Anytime I invest into such technology, I look to monetize it. I always look for ways to have a ROI. Usually the good stuff will come with such a thing. The affiliate program does just that. Once you have an account, you can become an affiliate and market it. I suggest that you write down your experiences with SocialOomph, whether good or bad, and keep them close. If you do choose to become an affiliate, now you have a story to tell. Trust, authenticity and your personal experience means more than saving a few bucks, to most people. Keep that in mind. To make money as an affiliate, check me out here: http://dld.bz/MakeMoneySocialOomph You can visit me @tweetdollarz on twitter, or see my landing page at http://tweetdollarz.com or just click the link and go to the site. I wish you the best. BizTycoon

Added by melvin payne on March 11, 2011

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