Join Real Live People Party to discover this amazing landmark building with new friends.
You go to Grand Central all the time but do you really know all the nooks and crannies ... it's a fascinating place.
Answers to all clues will be in and around Grand Central Terminal. Team members will need to work together to solve the Q & A style hunt. Some answers will be easy to find ... and some you'll need to use a lifeline or get wireless help.
Creative thinking encouraged. The point isn't to win ... it's to meet new friends and have a fun afternoon. Well...OK it's fun to win and get prizes too.
The hunt offers an in-depth exploration of Grand Central Terminal, the Whisper Gallery, the Kissing Room, the Transit Gallery, the Oyster Bar, the constellation ceiling, a private apartment that became a bar, and other secret spots and sights.
2:00 - 2:30pm - gather teams, distribute material, go over hunt rules
2:30 - 4:00pm - actual hunting time
4:00 - 4:30pm - score the hunts, announce winners and hang out
Testimonials from previous hunts.
A.K. from New York writes:
"GREAT scavenger hunt today...and I’m not just saying that because my team KICKED BUTT hahaha…Really terrific job!"
L.P. from New Jersey writes:
I had a great time, enjoyed the people and the [scavenger] hunt and even learned a few things in the process.
Official Website:
Added by NYCBNG and SBNG on February 23, 2008