Secrets to Online Success!
LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and more! Social Networking is not a fad, it's the next level of internet marketing. BUT is it getting you results? Do you have the right online presence to attract opportunity for your business? Or do you feel like you're wasting time? Have you learned to implement strategies that WILL achieve results?
These sites can REALLY work to get more business! And if you are overwhelmed by every invite you receive, and all you can participate in online then join us! Learn how to take your business online through social networking and get results!
What you'll take away from this powerful session:
* Five key strategies to attract potential customers through your online personality
* Steps that will increase your Google-ability without worrying about SEO and all that techie stuff
* What social networking IS and what it is NOT
* Why you as a business owner MUST be involved in Social Networking
* The FASTEST way to grow an opt-in list of interested potential customers ever!
$49.00 for non members, $39.00 for eWN members, after 04/11/2009 Late Registration is $56.00.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on February 17, 2009