631 E. Chicago Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

Business Owners, Executives and Marketers...

If you're confused, curious or conflicted about Social Media...Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogging, YouTube, Facebook and other Web 2.0 tools and sites...(and we know you are) then we're glad you're here. Social Media University Milwaukee was developed for you!

No more hype about Social Media... you've heard enough of that, right? You want to learn the actual how, when, why and what to do! Social Media Milwaukee gives you the opportunity to learn it all from a broad range of experts: teachers, professionals and business owners with actual hands-on experience of their own. This is the event that will give you what you've been asking for...

Hosted By: Trivera Interactive, Clear Verve Marketing, and Corporate Identity Solutions - Katie Felten will be speaking on LinkedIn

Official Website: http://www.mkelive.com/calendar/

Added by MKELiveintern on July 17, 2009

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