30 Wellington Street West
Toronto, Ontario M5L 1A1

Lots of companies across the country are talking about it. Agencies, public relations firms, and other companies are offering different services. What is it - blogs, wikis, RSS, user generated content all make up with is commonly referred to as “social media.” Let’s face it, not every marketing strategy or tactic will work for your company to help you achieve your business objectives. As powerful as sites such as YouTube, Second Life or MySpace they may not be the right place for you to reach your target customer or they may be too costly for the budget that you have been given, so what is left?
Maggie will discuss how everyone’s talking Web 2.0 - but what does it mean? In this session, she’ll go over the hard facts: what people are doing online, why you need to pay attention and how your business can reap the benefits. The best part? You’ll get the numbers to back it all up.
Full Breakfast & Registration at 8:00 AM; Presentations start at 8:30 AM
Presenters Include:
Maggie Fox - Founder, Social Media Group
Baron Manett, Vice President, SEGAL

Register now at http://profectio.com/social-media-the-sex-sizzle/

Official Website: http://www.profectio.com

Added by daforde on December 12, 2006



cost appears to be $75 in case you are curious



Will Pate

Sorry, $75 to hear someone talk about something I already know is a dealbreaker. Hey dave, want to throw some free passes for the local bloggerati so we can drop by and cover the event for you?