“Transforming Customers into Raving Fans
Through Social Media”
Many successful companies are using social media to attract and
convert leads, grow revenue, reduce marketing costs and even
develop new products.
Why Do Some Businesses Have Trouble With Social?
1. The business has a siloed organizational structure. Social media can often blur the lines between customer service, sales, marketing and even R&D. Be open to change.
2. The business leaders think social media is nothing more than another marketing tactic. But this approach leads to pushy selling and inconsistent messaging and can turn off more business in the long-term. These new tools require a different mindset than traditional marketing.
3. The business leader mistakenly assumes that because many of the social channels are free that they are easy to use and so jump in without a strategy. After this doesn’t work, they conclude that social simply doesn’t work. The problem, however, was with the message, not the medium.
Join Cinta Media Group for a free training to help your business thrive in the modern marketplace. You will walk away with clear actionable steps you can take. There will be time for Q&A at the end.
Added by agoodhusband on October 12, 2010