Via telephone
Los Angeles, California

3 Amazing Women. 3 Stunning Slideshow Videos. And most exciting of all: You can do it too!

If you have ever thought the power of online multimedia was only for others. If you ever thought you would never be able to take advantage of its power to boost your business, you need to be on this call!

On Thursday, Rob Schultz, former Hollywood visual effects artist and host of the Magical Multimedia Tour radio show will be interviewing three amazing women who created their first slideshow video, with no previous experience. And are reaping the rewards.

Join us to hear the stories of:

Amethyst Wyldfyre, a Soul Path Coach, whose thoughtful, meditative slideshow videos have been seen by over 2200 people worldwide in less than 3 months.

Carolyn Fung, a coach and consultant, crafted a jaw dropping slideshow video that packs an emotional wallop and is a visual tour-de-force. Despite the fact she had never even used PowerPoint before.

Susan Seals, who helps individuals and organizations pinpoint leverage areas for rapid and immediate change, created a surprising slideshow that turns the Law of Attraction on its ear. And she did it in only two days!

You Can Do It Too: Extraordinary Slideshow Videos and Their Creators

Its a free teleseminar intervieiw.

Thursday July 16, 2009
8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific

Can't make the live call? Sign up anyway and receive the
downloadable MP3 class recording!

Official Website:

Added by alex2007 on July 15, 2009

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