New York, New York

Wealth management firms need to enable their advisors to connect with clients and engage new prospects through social media. In doing so, they face a number of challenges including technology, compliance, security and marketing. How do you scale social media beyond the pilot program? This webinar will examine the challenges and opportunities presented by social media as well as provide case studies and solutions. Silu Modi, Vice President, Digital Marketing at Macquarie Banking and Financial Services, a global financial institution with over 14,000 employees in 28 countries, will share his perspectives about how social media impacts wealth management. Joanna Belbey, Social Media & Compliance Specialist for Actiance will provide an in depth presentation about the compliance and security issues that financial institutions face as well as solutions to overcome them. Speakers include: Joanna Belbey, Social Media and Compliance Specialist, Actiance, Inc and Silu Modi, Vice President, Digital Marketing, Macquarie Private Wealth. Sponsors include: Business Development Institute and Actiance, Inc.

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Added by Business Development Institute on June 12, 2012