555 International Way
Springfield, Oregon

Social Media for Business

On Thursday, October 22, the Lane County SAO Chapter will host a panel
on how a business can best use social media. Come learn about how
Twitter, Facebook, blogs, and other types of social media can help or
harm your business. The meeting will run from 5:30pm-7:30pm.

Kelli Matthews, University of Oregon
Jerry Saveriano, Sanda Communications
Wayne Skipper, Concentric Sky

Symantec Corporation
555 International Way
Springfield, OR

5:00- Doors open
5:30- Announcements and networking
6:00- Panel begins
7:00- Networking
7:30- Close

There is no charge for this event and finger-food will be provided.
Doors open at 5pm.

Follow the Lane SAO Chapter on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/saolane

Panelist Bios:

Kelli Matthews has about a decade of experience in PR, seven of that
as the co-founder of Verve Northwest Communications, a full service
PR, marketing communications and graphic design firm based in
Eugene. She also teaches PR classes at the School of Journalism and

In June, she celebrated her three year “blogerversary,” at
www.PRosInTraining.com (http://www.prosintraining.com/) . She’s also
on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/kmatthews), LinkedIn
(http://www.linkedin.com/in/kellimatthews), Facebook and a handful of
other social sites.

She blogs at Verve:In Bloom (http://www.vervenorthwest.com/blog) and
manages several client blogs and online communities.


Jerry W. Saveriano, President & CEO
Sanda Communications, Inc (http://sandacom.com/) Blog:

Jerry W. Saveriano is president of Sanda Communications, a marketing,
advertising and public relations agency that has for over a decade
worked with high tech, software and other clients.

For over twenty-five years Saveriano has consulted and lectured
internationally on advanced automation topics such as CAD/CAM,
geomatics, robotics and Artificial Intelligence. He was Industrial
Editor of Robotics Age magazine, founding Chairman of the Southern
California Chapter of Robotics International and wrote the Pioneers of
Robotics article in the Encyclopedia of Robotics published by John
Wiley & Sons in 1988.

He created a series of articles and lectures on Internet Marketing and
Customer Relationship Management. Jerry put on the first CRM workshop
at Oregon Graduate Institute and wrote a CRM titled "E-This!" column
for the Software Association of Oregon (SAO) newsletter. He has lead
Sanda's Web 2.0/Social Media initiative in building online communities
for B2B clients, non-profits and state agencies.


Wayne Skipper, President
Concentric Sky, Inc.

As Founder of Concentric Sky, Wayne brings to the team his diverse
technical, design and leadership experience. Wayne has built a number
of successful start-ups based on innovative ideas. He began his career
in the US Navy working on Avionics Systems, but soon afterwards became
interested in microprocessor architecture and silicon chip
manufacturing. This led him to work for Texas Instruments, Applied
Materials and eventually to Dell, where he played a key role on the
Component Engineering team co-developing PC prototypes with Intel.

After leaving Dell to study classical art and architecture in Europe,
Wayne focused his energies on software design. As a software
developer, he has become an expert in online learning and product
design. He played a pivotal role in the development of several
corporate learning platforms such as True Outcomes, Cengage Learning's
CengageNOW and iLrn World Languages, as well as the adaptive learning
system used by Peterson's.

Wayne currently serves as a Director on the Boards of the Software
Association of Oregon and the International Professors Project. He
spends his spare time tinkering with cutting-edge technologies and
seeking better ways to use them to make a positive contribution to the

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Added by kbkenan on October 19, 2009

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