University Road
Galway, Galway

Social media is more known for B2C (Business to Consumer), however social media is very relevant to B2B (Business to Business). This ½ day workshop will be punchy and to the point. It is will be presented with the problem first, then the solution and the process by which you would use Social media tools to acquire B2B customers.

Here is what shall be covered:

• The impact of social media on the Sales funnel.

• Understanding the profile of your buyer.

• How to target customers.

• What social media tools and platforms should you use?

• Building community around your product/service.

• How to measure return on investment (ROI).

Two case studies, one from the biotechnology industry and another from the computing/IT sector will be presented to show real world application.

Added by EU Sales Force on July 11, 2011

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