Putting Social Media to Work in 2008 (registration link below)
Social media, social computing, digital media…different names that describe the same effect: building an open conversation with communities that are important to your business. Discover how to integrate social media with your 2008 communications plan and learn from real social media successes and lessons.
Join Horn Group for a one hour webinar on December 4 at 10:00 am PDT that will hit these topics:
Is social media right for you?
Keys to using social media in your communications program
Avoiding the pitfalls of social media
Grasping social media by the horns - a case study
If you’re a technology industry communications or marketing executive, you will want to participate in our Social Media Boot Camp.
Official Website: http://www.horngroup.com/email/webinars/SocialMediaBootCamp/index.html
Added by KFFBOS on November 8, 2007