9240 Explorer Dr,
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920

Email, Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc - you hear the buzz and know that your church members are using these tools in large and growing numbers. Do you wonder how your church can leverage them to further the reach of your ministry? Are your people telling you that you need to "be there" with them? Is there really some value here or is it all just a waste of time? Come join your peers and some industry experts for a round-table discussion and practicum about this widely debated topic!
As a special treat, for the person who invites the most pastors or ministry leaders through a social networking medium (Twitter, FaceBook, LinkedIn, etc.) will win an iPodTouch with a $10 iTunes Gift Certificate to load up their favorite Social Networking Apps. These people must be in attendance.
Please note, lunch will be provided, please let us know of any health restrictions.

Organized by Church Community Builder & Synergema

Ticket Info:  Pastor or Ministry Leader, Free

Official Website: http://socialchurch-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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