Social media has become THE place to obtain latest news, buzz and hottest trends across almost all industries. Despite its importance, offline media continues to shrink, while new media burgeons, presenting new opportunities waiting to be tapped on. Communicators need to step up their game, move into the digital space while simultaneously be involved in offline conversations. They are thrown into disarray with a multitude of tools and platforms, like Facebook, Twitter and Blogs, to leverage on. Confronted with this new paradigm, PR practitioners need to be armed with Social Media PR strategies that seamlessly integrate with traditional media.
This 2-day “Social Media & PR” conference will furnish PR practitioners with current communication strategies that tap on the social media potential to immerse in the conversations with stakeholders. Grasp key success factors from award-winning campaigns, and examine considerations, planning processes and pitfalls from global brands like BASF, and case studies of Starbucks, Intercontinental Hotel Group and Coca-Cola. Be equipped with practical PR measurement skills, maximise corporate visibility with search engines and hear how Haagen-Dazs, McDonald’s, MySpace and Acer successfully integrated social media into their PR campaign.
For more details, please visit or
For more information, please email Ms Adrielle Ting at or call us at +65 6372 2202.
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Added by pacific.conferences on February 9, 2010