RSVP Here -
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
Social Mixer.
Meet and engage with other Real Estate Tech Enthusiast at Ceili's.
Nosh? Ceili's offers; great Irish Pub Food and plenty of drinks!! Grab some food and support our gracious host.
Parched? Cash bar will be available.
Please walk or cab, bus, teleport or get a ride if you intend to drink!
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
UberGenius Q/A
A few of Ubertor's client service team will be on hand from 6:10 PM to 8:30 PM ready to answer any questions you have about your website, search engines, Meebo, SEO, blogging, content, Google Analytics or whatever you can think of. If you have a question and want it answered this is a great opportunity to learn more.
6:45 PM
Presentation: Shane Gibson - "Using Technology to create and cement long-term profitable client relationships"
Shane Gibson co-author of ?Closing Bigger the Field Guide to Closing Bigger Deals? will share with us how to integrate time tested and proven sales strategies with technology to create and secure high return on investment business relationships in our communities.
Shane Gibson
President (North America)
Knowledge Brokers International Systems Ltd.
Buy Shane's book "Closing Bigger" on Amazon
7:45 PM
Social Mixer.
Meet and engage with other Real Estate Tech Enthusiast at Ceili's. Cash bar will be available. Please walk or cab, bus, teleport or get a ride if you intend to drink!
Official Website:
Added by jagger on March 24, 2007