A lot of the great entrepreneurs are new to the area (or you are not new, but want to meet even more great people) and you are looking to expand your network in order to:
Find potential business partners and advisors to start cool companies
Find potential investors for your awesome ideas
Find potential employers and employees to make amazing stuff happen
This will be an event for you to pitch. We will bring together super talented entrepreneurs, developers, investors with different backgrounds and skill sets.
You will have 45 seconds. Tell us:
Who are you?
What’s your venture?
And what you are looking for?
Let’s all help each other out to promote new ventures, increase business partnerships and create a great introduction to each other.
What are going to do?
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Time for Drinks and Social
7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Time for Pitches
8:30 - 9:00 p.m. Time for more Drinks & Social
Who Will You Meet?
Product managers
Business strategists
Everyone who are embracing the opportunities created by Mobile technologies
$10 - Advanced (First 50 Entrepreneurs)
$20 - Regular
$30 - At the Door
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/sanfrancisco-entrepreneur/calendar/13689461/
Added by anamoony on June 8, 2010