Conference Overview
People with disabilities find themselves in changing times.Old methods of program services are giving way to consumer empowerment and self-direction.Regardless of these shifts in service structure, the challenge remains the same- how can people with disabilities find their rightful place in the community and haveopportunities for jobs, housing, transportation and friendships?This interactive presentation moves right into this challenge.By understanding culture, community and social capital thisconference will introduce theaudience to the four steps of community-building that can be applied regardless of the framework of our system.
Al Condeluci: Keynote Speaker and Lead Facilitator
Al Condeluci has been an advocate and catalyst forbuilding community and understanding culture since 1970.Since 1973, he has worked as an attendant, caseworker, advocate, planner, program director and now, CEO of his organization, UCP/CLASS of Pittsburgh.UCP/CLASS has created a family of corporations and is dedicated to its mission working towards a community where each belongs.
Al speaks annually to national and international audiences reaching some 15,000 people each year. His books,Interdepence (1991, 1995, CRC Press), Beyond Difference (1996, CRC Press), Cultural Shifting (2002, TRN Press), Advocacy for Change:A Manual for Action(2004, ANCOR Foundation Press), The Essence of Interdependence (2008 Lash Publishing) and Together is Better(2008, Lash Publishing) have won praises and awards for their thoughtful approach to culture and community and are now used at many colleges, universities and in-service settings.Books will be available at the conference.
Session I: Culture, Community and Social Capital
The challenge of diversity inclusion is front and center in human services today.This module will take a macroscopic look at this challenge and rather than thinking about challenges that people have, attention will be turned to understanding culture and community. A cultural diffusion methodology will be introduced and discussed. Participants will be introduced to the notions of community and social capital that they might employ in their work.
Session II: Understanding Community
This follow-up module explores the elements of community.Special attention will be paid to the notion of the gatekeeper as the key ingredient to community inclusion.The audience will have the opportunity to discuss and dialogue around ways these elements can work for them in building communityopportunities.
Session III: Putting It All Together
After an interactive session, this final module will explore the context of change and how the process of cultural shifting and building of social capital can help create communityinclusion. As leaders, one of the most difficult challenges is explaining and motivating people through change. This is particularly difficult if the change is not fully understood or embraced. This interactive conclusion will look at the challenge of leadership, change, and cultural shifting by exploring the elements related to change.
Other Information:
Limited scholarships may be available for consumers and college students who wish to attend the conference. A buffet lunch is included in the cost of the ticket. For more information about conference scholarships, please contact Katherine Reim at (814) 860-1333.
For more information about UCP/CLASS, please visit our website at
http://www.ucppittsburgh.org or email
Organized by UCP PittsburghUCP of Pittsburgh serves people with wide range of disabilities who live in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Crawford, Erie, Lawrence, Mercer, and Venango Counties, offering programs that build on individual strengths and promote inclusion in the community. We are working toward a community where each belongs.
Ticket Info: General Admission, $25.00
Official Website: http://ucpsocialcapital-upcoming.eventbrite.com