7564 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90046

A Year-round Movable Festival - Seasonal (Winter)SpringSummerFall
@ Elderberries 7564 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046 (323) 851-0700
* Organic - Vegan - Raw Soy - Gluten Free *

Please see our other listings here @ Upcoming. Some are under construction &/or updates are on-going...

[DETAILS FORTHCOMING] "Always art work in progress..."
Log-ins may not be current or function @ this time.
(Updated 3/9/13 6:01 pm)

Observance - "Woman Her/History Month"

Orgamic Jammmz "oPENmICjAM"
Artists, conscientious performers & patrons. Diverse, multi-genre, Americana, universal standards & originals. Artistic creativity, wholesome-sober-scary & good clean fun. A woodshed'n...

Special Guest:
Ken Warfield - multi instrumentalist/spoken word/vocal
"live under the Hollywood Bowl - http://youtu.be/ptgc3iKk4H0"

Friends: TBA
- bass?

w/ You, other very special guests & VIP - TBA

Performing Tribe: TBA
Accompanist: +
Ben King - guitar

Co-Host/Organizers: "Cohorts"
Julie Cresswell - guitar/v
Angelo Lovato - guitar/keyboard/v

Staff: P.A.
Gary Gamponia, thepayitforwardband Director - guitar/v
"listen/see ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcYH8FUHbKM"

Event Presenter:
Dolores Petersen, A. Pro-Advocate Rep. - Facilitator/Founder/(reg.) Host
"1st Lady of Diverse Live Music"

* Past "Special Guest Performers"; Carlos Guitarlos, Hisao Shinagawa & Ken Warfield.

Mindful performance etiquette & courtesy, required. Space permitting, valued venue dining patrons are requested to support TIPS. (20% minimum entertainment gratuity suggested)

Turn off cell phone ringers. NO phone conversations during performances.

Absolutely NO outside event promotion/solicitation without prior approval.

Absolutely NO audio or video recording/transmission w/o prior written authorization(s). No flash, photographing may be dis-allowed during performance.

House event approved event photographers only.

"Sustain Live Music"- Patrons of arts Event contributions collected. (encouraged & solicited)

Rights & Reproductions:
All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, no part of the Site and no Content may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted or distributed in any way to any other computer, server, Web site or other medium for publication or distribution or for any commercial enterprise, without express prior written consent.

Official Website: http://losangeles.jazznearyou.com/event_detail.php?id=466203

Added by DojO on November 26, 2012

Interested 1