8537 Greenwood Ave N, Suite 1, Studio D
Seattle, Washington 98103

You're invited to a special art preview at Bherd Studios Gallery. This evening will include presentations on each artist, as well as a chance to get on your own soapbox. Since this is a preview show, we do require an RSVP by emailing: gallery@bherdstudios.com to attend. The evening will include great art, conversation and light appetizers and beverages.

The art world is full of artists who are searching for technique, style or meaning -- sometimes all of the above. It's what artists do -- what they are supposed to do. Watching that journey is fascinating. Some artists hit you over the head with the lessons they've learned, while others continually search for their voice without success. There's a lot of meaning without technique, and technique without meaning. Some artists cater to the critics, and some cater to the masses. But on a good day, you'll find an artist who appeals to both of those groups--someone who has a clear vision, the technique to pull it off and something intriguing to say.

This is what "Soapbox" is all about...those amazing people who use their art to speak their minds, and present the perfect marriage of function and form in ways that are both subtle and accessible. Artists include Michelle Anderst, Jenny E. Balisle, Ryan Molenkamp, Cheryl Molnar, Chris Sheridan and Kellie Talbot. Exhibition to continue through Friday, October 2.

Soapbox is curated by Seattle contemporary artist Kate Protage, whose work has been exhibited nationally from East Coast to West Coast. Her work is currently represented by La Familia Gallery in Pioneer Square.

About Bherd Studios
Bherd Studios Gallery is an artist owned gallery located in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle since 2006. Bherd Studios features emerging Pacific NW artists in the Urban Contemporary genre, and select nationally & internationally recognized artists. Bherd Gallery is also a founding member of http://S3A.us which was created in 2007. http://S3A.us is a group of galleries & artists committed to raising awareness of the alternative art scene in Seattle and the Northwest by chronicling and promoting events, artists and venues.

Official Website: http://www.bherdstudios.com

Added by Bherd Studios on August 19, 2009

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