"So You Want to Write A Fugue?"
Works by the Fugue Masters: Bach, Handel, and Gould
Chando Anthem No.8 "O, Come Let Us Sing unto the Lord." - G.F. Handel
Cantata No.140 "Wachet Auf ruft uns die stimme" - J.S. Bach
"So You Want to Write A Fugue!" - Glenn Gould
Founder and Director Andrew J. Chung will conduct a beautiful Baroque Summer evening of the Fugue Masters, including Handel's Chando Anthem no. 8: "O Come, Let Us Sing unto the Lord," J.S. Bach's Cantata 140: "Wachet Auf ruft uns die Stimme," and the reprise of one of our favorites: Glen Gould's "So You Want to Write a Fugue." A show that will be sure to have everyone wanting to write a fugue!
$28 General/ $25 Seniors/ $15 Students.
Official Website: http://www.bayareabach.org
Added by FullCalendar on June 10, 2009