Marketing Conversations (a.k.a. Prospecting Chats) are the most cost-effective way to generate referrals, leads and new business. Now there is a tool kit to help you get past the angst of elevator pitches.
Everybody talks about networking but nobody really tells you how to do it. When you're at a mixer or business dinner or even at the pool with the kids, SOMEBODY is going to turn to you and say "So! Whadda YOU do?" Come learn three key tools for responding ... and creating a useful conversation!
Develop a clean opening response -- a Positioning Statement -- that will actually advance the conversation (and not send the questioner fleeing from yet another elevator pitch). This tool actually answers the question, "Whadda YOU do?"
Hone a concise Problem Statement that will tell your questioner how you actually help your clients. You will be able to answer the "Whazzat?" question that inevitably follows a good Positioning Statement.
Create Your Story, a jargon-free, plain-English narrative that gives your conversational partner the full flavor of your services. It is a very special kind of story that puts your listener in your shoes. It tells what you do through the eyes and ears of you clients!
Each of the three major tools (plus a bonus Requirements Sentence exercise) will be done collegially at the round tables. Everyone will have a chance to develop each tool and share it with their table mates.
About the Speaker
Cox Ferrall is an executive sales coach, a veteran of the management consulting community, and one of the most sought-after speakers of our industry. Three-times a top-ranked keynoter at the IMC's National Confab, a Speaker of the Year for Patca, and winner of accolades at numerous other professional service events, Cox really talks his walk!
A Certified Management Consultant (CMC) since the mid-80's and a Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants (FIMC) since 1997, Cox has long been known as a caring and sharing colleague.
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Added by FullCalendar on October 13, 2012