7350 S Wasatch Blvd.
Snowbird, Utah 84092

In 1810, the Bavarian King Ludwig called for a state fair in Munich to celebrate his autumn marriage and the fall harvest. Merchants and tradesmen from throughout Southern Germany came to join in the merrymaking and enjoy, thoroughly, the region's most famous product-beer. The first Oktoberfest was such a success that Ludqig decreed that every October in Munich would be a festival time, and it has been ever since. Thirty-seven years ago, Snowbird began celebrating Oktoberfest in the mountains of Utah. It's become one of the largest festivals in the state, attracting over 70,000 visitors over the thirteen-day celebration each year. In Oktoberfest Halle, located in the Snowbird Event tent, enjoy music, dancing, traditional German cuisine and, of course, beer.

Added by Upcoming Robot on July 23, 2009

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