Based on the classic Grimm Brothers fairy tale, this hilarious musical spoof takes place long ago in the mountains of Central Mexico. The Duke of Valeciana lives in his palace high on the hill overlooking Guanajuato, a city whose mines produce most of the world's silver. Snow White, his young daughter, is the happiest child in the world. One day the Duke brings home a beautiful but vain bride who carries with her an enchanted mirror. The years pass and Snow White grows up to be a beautiful young girl. Her stepmother, the Duchess, who has been asking the same question every day since she arrived in Guanajuato, asks again, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in the land is the fairest of all?" When the mirror tells the Duchess the truth, she becomes obsessed with getting rid of her stepdaughter. Snow White must flee the city for the high mountains, where she befriends seven amigos who work the mines. They take her in and try to protect her, and the rest is a story that can only come to life onstage at The Magik Theatre.
Added by Upcoming Robot on August 3, 2010