Group shows usually unite artists around a high-concept theme. But for Giant Robot's Smitten!, staged in the storefront gallery space, owner and publisher Eric Nakamura simply gathers works by ten of his favorite young artists. It's no surprise, then, that the show embraces the hip anime aesthetic of Giant Robot's underground magazine, founded by Nakamura and Martin Wong in 1994. Evah Fan, previously featured in Giant Robot, creates cute, alien animals in grotesque situations, while Jen Corace presents drawings that could have been made by Henry Darger — had he encountered Adobe Illustrator. (TDC)
Note: This exhibition continues through Wed 9.27 (Mon-Thur: 12-8:30pm / Fri & Sat: 12-9pm / Sun: 12-7pm)
Official Website:
Added by wurzeltod on August 23, 2006