Beverly Hills,, California

Mulatto Saga Acquires Associate Film Producer

The theatrical production The Mulatto Saga opens in Los Angeles on September 12 at Studio Stage Theatre in West Hollywood with financial support from an associate producer whose family members are listed among the most powerful politically in
Washington, D.C.

Upstart film producer CJ Sailor joins Hollywood Filmmaker Charles
Burnett (To Sleep With Anger, The Glass Shield) in bringing light to
race relations in America through the one woman show that is performed by actress Juliette Fairley.

“This interracial topic is hot right now and Mulatto Saga is the only
play out there dealing with the subject matter,” says Sailor, whose
brother and sister-in-law were ranked by Jet Magazine as one of
Washington D.C.’s top political couples. Brother Elroy Sailor is CEO
of JC Watts Companies while wife Angela Sailor is a former White House advisor.

“Everywere I go in America, I see interracial couples walking down the street holding hands. It’s a no brainer that Mulatto Saga will
breakthrough and eventually become a film or arrive on Broadway. We’re getting in on the ground floor,” Detroit-native CJ Sailor said in a
phone interview from his home in Virginia. Sailor’s producing partner
is Lucienne Coppedge.

"We are planning a run of the show in Manhattan," says Coppedege, who is based in Montclair, New Jersey.

In addition to re-enacting poignant moments of her parent’s
rollercoaster marriage, Miss Fairley performs snippets of her
unsuccessful search for lasting love.

“It’s hard enough to get married in the first place but when you’re
bi-racial it’s even more complicated because of the added layer of
race. You can’t please one parent without disappointing the other,”
Fairley says.

The Mulatto Saga features Fairley’s white mother reacting to her
husband’s Afro culture and their bi-racial daughter’s boyfriends,
including a C-list hip hop star with kinky hair, a Jamaican with a
marijuana habit, a Frenchman with a penchant for threesomes, a Brad Pitt look a like who requires blond hair in his black girlfriends and an El Debarge look-a-like who prefers men.

Tickets for the September 12 matinee performance at 3pm at Studio
Stage Theater, 520 North Western at Melrose in West Hollywood, can be purchased by calling 1-800-838-3006 or at www.brownpapertickets.com.

For interviews and comp reviewer tickets, contact Chloe Feigen PR at

Added by kimirhochellePR on September 1, 2010

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