1-3-18 Bira Moderuna Shibuya, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, 150-0002
Tokyo, Tokyo Prefecture

Join the Tokyo PC Users Group, Digital Eve Japan and the Mobile in Japan Community
for an evening of debate on the merits and demerits of the increasing array of smart phone
choices available to us.

You'll learn:

- What are the benefits of a smart phone over a regular Japanese keitai?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various smart phone offerings
(iPhone, Windows Mobile, Nokia, Blackberry, Palm and Android)
- What should you consider before buying a smart phone and what choices do we
have in Japan
- What developments can we expect to see over the coming months and years

- Steve Nagata
- Mike Tokue
- Paul Papadimitriou

Moderator: Andrew Shuttleworth - Long time mobile power user and blogger

=== Event Details ===

DATE: Thursday 12 March
Doors open - 6.30pm
TPC Club biz - 7.00-7.30
Presentation - 7.30-8.30
Networking - 8.30-late
VENUE: The Pink Cow, Shibuya (http://www.thepinkcow.com)
COST: 1,000 yen (Includes light snacks, Regular TPC member rates apply)

For more information about the particpating groups see:
Tokyo PC Users Group : http://www.tokyopc.org
Digital Eve Japan : http://www.digitalevejapan.org
Mobile in Japan : http://www.mobileinjapan.com

Added by papadimitriou on February 11, 2009