SmartBride Spring Charity Event
The SmartBride Spring Charity Event is a fun night out to benefit the Canadian Womens Foundation Women Moving Women campaign.Celebrate the launch of the new online wedding classified site smartbrideboutique.ca and help us raise funds for the Canadian Womens Foundation Women Moving Women (WMW) campaign, a life-changing economic development programs that will empower low-income women all across the country to transform their lives. To find out more about this campaign, click here.
Whether you're male, female, single, engaged, married or not - you can have a direct impact on changing the life of at least one woman in Canada,because $5 from the sale of every ticket and all other event proceedswill go directly to the WMW campaign.
When: Thursday, March 26, 2009
Time: 8 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Where: Steam Whistle Brewery, 255 Bremner Blvd,Toronto
Tickets: $30 per adult with $5 from every ticket going directly to the WMW campaign
What to expect:
Explore the silent auction items and stake your claim on prizesranging from raptors tickets to original Canadian artto fitness makeovers
Take a FREE tour of the Steam Whistle brewery
Make up touch ups fromour BeautyMarkz Glam Squad
Get noticed in the Flow Photo Snapshot photo booth.
Taste complimentary hors doeuvres fromAmazing Food!
Red hot live entertainment from LaRouge
Treat yourself to an evening bevvie. 1 complimentary Wine or Steam Whistle beerincluded with your ticket.All other drinks $6.
Top notch swag bags for all!
Organized by www.SmartBrideBoutique.cawww.smartbrideboutique.ca is a newly launched,FREE local classifiedssite that connects bridespast and present to buy, sell and save on new, used or discounted wedding items ranging from gowns, bridesmaids dresses, shoes, purses, decorations and more.
Ticket Info: SmartBride Spring Charity Event, C$30.99
Official Website: http://smartbrideboutique-upcoming.eventbrite.com