Scarsdale Place, Kensington
London, U.K., England W8 5SR

The necessity for water utilities to adopt smart metering is as pertinent as ever. Smart meters can cut leakage levels by 20% and reduce energy consumption by a third through associated software and infrastructure. European utilities alone will invest at least $7.8bn in smart water metering by 2020 and the market opportunities for meter manufacturers, installers, data & management organisations is clear. With the bottom line even more pressing in today’s economic climate, the business case remains undiminished.

Key benefits of attending:
• Appraise regulatory implications of the Water White Paper for UK utility companies
• Implement lessons for real-time data integration across the entire supply-demand water chain
• Network with senior representatives from leading international water regulatory organisations and global water companies
• Assess the impact of combined complex tariffing and smart meters on customers’ water consumption
• Utilise insights from the energy sector's experience of smart meter roll-outs to maximise your operational capability
• Integrate supervisory control and data acquisition into your existing infrastructure

Contact David Leakey on +44 (0) 20 7827 6726 or email

Official Website:

Added by Vinh Trinh on December 4, 2011