Tickets are $15.
What can you get for $15 these days? A couple of pizzas. A DVD. A bus ticket from Austin to Dallas. Today, for $15, you can help this campaign change America.
Thursday’s big event at Scholz Garen is filling up and we want to be sure all of you have an opportunity to meet and greet John Edwards while he's in the Austin area.
You shouldn't need to fork over $2,300 to meet a presidential candidate. You shouldn't need a paycheck with nine zeroes in it to rub elbows with a fellow American. And Tuesday, John Edwards has made sure you don't. All you need to join us is your energy, support, enthusiasm, and enough pocket change for a bus ticket.
This campaign is about all of us working together to achieve transformational change for our country. We're talking about the big things like universal health care, eliminating poverty here and around the world, putting an end to global warming, and ending this war in Iraq.
Join us.
Official Website:
Added by Japhet on June 4, 2007