2222 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, Texas

On May 14, the Small Business Intelligence Summit (SBIS) will arrive at the Renaissance Hotel in Dallas with intensive sessions designed to enable small businesses to succeed. A focused half-day workshop, small business owners and entrepreneurs will leave with prescriptive strategies to prepare them for future challenges in a new economy. Sessions are carefully crafted to provide real world strategies for achieving optimum efficiency, productivity, and cost effectiveness in small businesses.

In addition to the scheduled sessions, the event will provide ample opportunities for small business owners to network and speak one-on-one with the industry experts. These featured keynotes include Chuck Wilsker, CEO of the Telework Coalition; Bob Burg, corporate speaker and author; and Christopher Justice, CEO of Sparksight, a small business-marketing agency.

Sponsors: Avaya, Altura, Strategic Products & Services, Consultedge, Carousel

For a full tour schedule and detailed information, visit: http://www.sbis09.com or call Katie McKown at 1-800-457-0905.

Added by Sparksight on April 23, 2009

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