Learn how to effectively advertise your very small business using free and low cost tactics. Tactics have a far better chance of succeeding when rooted in a solid strategic foundation. So although you'll hear about over 10 categories of quality free and low cost tactics in this class, it will also take you through how to deeply define your target audiences, develop key selling messages that resonate, and set worthy goals. With the focus on small budgets, you won't find information on traditional advertising like television, radio and expensive print ads. Instead you'll learn about working with strategic partners, online marketing, email campaigns, repeat and referral marketing, tracking results and more. In the 100 page tutorial provided in class, you'll read about examples to inspire you and receive practical guidance to provide your business immediate results with lasting value. Best for businesses that have never put together an advertising plan and are working on a shoestring budget.
Taught by Glynns Thomas, a 20-year advertising professional who has worked at some of the world's greatest advertising agencies and was a Vice President of Internet marketing at Wells Fargo. Today she owns Advertising Spark and is a mentor with SCORE providing advice to small businesses across the nation.
$99 (includes $30 materials fee).
Official Website: http://www.advertisingspark.com
Added by FullCalendar on March 30, 2009