7:30 signup for open mic, 8pm show, Free.
Featured performer:
Ed Mycue is a poet whose books include The Singing Man My Father Gave Me, Root Rouute and Range the Song Returns, Because We Speak the Same Language, The Torn Star, Chronicle, Damage Within the Community and Night Boats. His new collection, Mindwalk: 1937 to 2007 will be released this June. He was born in Niagara Falls, NY and schooled in Boston. He was a Peace Corps teacher in Ghana and later worked for the US Department of Health Education and Welfare. He lives in San Francisco where he works in a bookstore and writes.
All ages, all genders, all the time.
If you'd like to perform at the open mic, please bring five minutes or less of your music, writing, dance, performance, cooking suggestions, sex tips, gossip or whatever it is you want to share. Musicians, one song. Prose writers: that's about two and a half double spaced pages of prose.
Official Website: http://www.sfqueer.com
Added by larrybob on February 2, 2007