751 Palm St.
San Luis Obispo, California 93401

San Luis Obispo Creek Day is two events in one.

Trash Clean-Up

Creek Day is a day when volunteers from the community band together to remove garbage from our local creeks. Each year, literally tons of garbage finds its way into local waterways. The garbage degrades water quality, degrades habitat values for fish and wildlife, and can accumulate and cause flooding. Each year Creek Day volunteers remove approximately 3 tons of garbage from local creeks. Over the years we have found just about everything in the creek ranging from car batteries and furniture to major appliances. One year we even found 12 un-eaten pizzas!

Watershed Education Fair

Creek Day is also a great time to learn more about local streams and the watershed that supports them. The Land Conservancy assembles hands-on displays from numerous local groups to help educate citizens on creek resources and stewardship. Participants can make plaster casts of animal tracks, learn about native fish and wildlife, touch live sea creatures, use an urban run-off model, see live birds of prey, experience original artwork made from collected garbage, and most important...Have Fun!

Creek Day is a great way for one generation to communicate a culture of stewardship to the next!

Added by slodogs on August 3, 2005

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