i'm giving you the headsup about this in plenty of time. toby (aka @sleepydog) will be having a birthday party in austin, texas at the south by southwest festival on march the 16th between 6:30pm and 8:30pm (then hour later the mashable party)
the venue is a great little place called corkandco - cork & company is on congress between 3rd and 4th street. we have have an unlimited cheeseboard and wine prepared and we would love it if you popped along for a chat/drink and enjoy a smaller group of people (we have set it at 50 people ideally) and actually get to chat/talk to each other before heading out onto the streets of austin for other parties.
if your heading to south by southwest for the first time (especially if you are a brit and need some navigation, suggestions) drop by we would love to see you. we have already had a bunch of people sign up so get an invite while you can. i have setup a simple wufoo form for invites
Official Website: http://bit.ly/p7ppv
Added by r3wind on February 21, 2009
I'll be late.