15629 S. Rt. 59
Plainfield, Illinois 60544

A Summertime Family Event with St. Mary’s Friends
St. Mary Immaculate Parish & School are sponsoring an “Evening at the Ball Field With Family and Friends.” Mark your calendars for Friday, July 6. The game starts at 7:05 pm against the Northern CornBelters.

There’s plenty of Free Parking close to the stadium, lots of tasty “Ball Park” food at family friendly prices and Fireworks after the game. For info, visit www.jolietslammers.com .

Tickets are $5.00 per person (half-price) for this fun & exciting night out. You can buy tickets in the Commons after weekend Masses starting June 9/10 through June 24 or see the Commons receptionist during the week.

We currently have 100 tickets available in a SMI section - First Come - First Served. We need “U” to help make it memorable! Join us and wear a red or blue shirt.

For more information contact Cathy Cushing, 815-436-4501 ext 847 or email ccushing@smip.org.

Official Website: http://www.smip.org

Added by debachtel on May 2, 2012

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