330 W 40th St 33rd & 34th Floors
New York, New York 10018

City lights & twinkling stars are out at the city's highest multi-level nightclub. High up above the city streets with one of NYC's sexiest party crowds on Friday night. Party with flare & style ...

Come and enjoy a Friday night of partying under the stars. The Skyroom's 360 degree views of Manhattan & the Hudson River are a treat. Sip down on your favorite cocktails, dance and mingle at this chic NYC local. Indulge yourself and lounge out agmongst the glow of the out door lights on pristine white coaches. Ladies enjoy drink specials till 11pm. Perfect for your Friday night out with friends or if your celebrating a special event. Giving you setting that's fabulous & memorable.

On the "Hot List" guest list Ladies Free Until 12, Gents are reduced. For instant guest list confirmation text "SKYROOM" to 212-920-9547. Send a Party Text to a friend www.hotclubspot.com/partytext.php

Dress Code: Ladies heels please no flats; Gents shoes a must, button down collard shirts, jeans ok in good taste, (NO sneakers, boots, hats or athletic wear.)

For table reservations, special event booking or free Hot List VIP Birthday packages call 212-920-9547. Packages include Vip entry, Free champagne and Invitations. Call for more details or visit www.hotclubspot.com

Official Website: http://hotclubspot.com

Added by hek823 on July 20, 2011