4241 Moorpark Ave
San Jose, California 95129

Invest four hours now to save months later finding a path to revenue: most software startups fail after they have working functionality but before they find their market. You will leave this workshop with a one-page strategic plan and a dashboard for measuring your progress.

This highly interactive session allows you to take a short structured break from your day to day challenges to focus on longer term objectives. By stepping back from your founder's role, you can take time to understand customer, competitor, and employee perspectives on your product and your startup.

Our promise is that you will leave re-energized and with a richer perspective on your product and your business: you will also have a one page plan for 2008.

Cost: $75 early registration; after Jan 13, $95 (includes breakfast & lunch)

Topics we will cover:

Goals for 2008: working from where you are now, how will you get there?

* Double my revenue
* Double my mailing list

Your Customer

* Who is the customer specifically?
* How is this person measured?
* How has the customer done without you?

Your Product

* What is the problem you solve?
* What are your differentiating benefits?
* How quickly can a customer get started and realize them?

Your Core Competencies from Your Customers Perspective

* What have you accomplished that's relevant to your plan?
* How can you leverage your know how and experience to differentiate your firm and your product?

For more information contact: Francis Fischbach 415-748-2040 fgfischbach@skmurphy.com

$75 before Jan 13, $95 thereafter (includes breakfast & lunch).

Official Website: http://www.skmurphy.com/services/workshops/

Added by FullCalendar on January 4, 2008