Invest four hours now to save months later finding a path to revenue: most startups fail after they have working functionality but before they find their market. You will leave this workshop with a one-page strategic plan and a dashboard for measuring your progress.
This highly interactive session allows you to take a short structured break from your day to day challenges to focus on longer term objectives. By stepping back from your founder's role, you can take time to understand customer, competitor, and co-founder perspectives on your product and your startup.
Our promise is that you will leave re-energized and with a richer perspective on your product and your business: you will also have a one page plan for 2010.
Topics we will cover:
o Startup Maturity Checklist
o Your Product
o Customer Perception of Your Core Competencies
o Goals for 2010
As a part of your workshop registration, we will also follow up via e-mail and brief phone calls at two weeks, four weeks, 8 weeks, and 13 weeks to help you track your progress, You will leave with a one page action plan, a workbook, and 90 days of access to a private workspace with the workshop materials.
About the Workshop Leader
Sean Murphy has taken an entrepreneurial approach to life since he could drive. He has served as an advisor to dozens of startups, helping them explore new options and bring their businesses to new levels. His firm, SKMurphy, Inc., focuses on early customers and early revenue for software startups, helping engineers to understand business development. Sean holds a BS in Mathematical Sciences and an MS in Engineering-Economic Systems from Stanford University.
* 8:45 AM Breakfast & Registration
* 9:00 AM Workshop begins
* 12:30 PM Lunch & De-brief
* 1:00 PM Workshop Ends
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 1, 2009