Have Innovative Software But Too Few Customers?
Are you Struggling to Find Early Revenue and Early Customers?
Challenged by product introduction or niche selection?
Our workshop will outline proven marketing techniques and helpyou develop an action plan to address these issues. Come spend three hours with us on a Wednesday morning and leave with a one-page action plan for your business:
o You will learn ten techniques for getting more customers.
o You will develop a one page plan leveraging one or two of these techniques for the next 90 days.
o We will follow up over the next 90 days to help you track progress and hold yourself accountable.
o We will provide both a workbook and a personalized on-line workspace with background material.
o The on-line workspace will be available for 90 days.
o Wifi available: you can bring a laptop and work on-line.
8:00 AM Breakfast & Registration
8:30 AM Workshop begins
11:30 AM Lunch & De-brief
12:00 PM Concludes
Seating is Limited: Due to the demand for these small business workshops we ask you to please reserve your seats on-line. These are intensive sessions and we ask that you arrive at least 15 minutes before the 8:30 AM start time to ensure you will have a seat and won't disrupt the session once it's underway. We will serve breakfast from 8 to 8:30. After 8:15 AM, no seats can be guaranteed. Any empty seats that have not been claimed by 8:15AM will be made available on a first come, first served basis (you may pay at the door with cash or a check).
$200. Includes breakfast & lunch. Before Apr. 3, $160.
Official Website: http://skmurphy.com/%20
Added by FullCalendar on February 28, 2007