Skip tracing is the process of finding people that don't want to be found, as well as finding money and assets they may have. Many Atlanta private investigators and detectives will work with skip tracers to help them track down dead beat parents trying to avoid paying child support, as well as other people that have committed fraud and have something to hide.
This can also be practical information for HR departments that want to do background checks on employees and/or be able to assist with investigations when employees with access to sensitive information may leave the company.
Skip Tracing 101 also appeals to are people that are going through a divorce case that may need to pull up research on a spouse as it pertains to the case. The more you can do this work yourself, the less you'll have to pay a professional their rates and/or pay your divorce attorney to find someone to do it for you. This research could have a huge impact on your case, including custody and child support payments.
The other group that often likes this type of career training class in Atlanta are people that have approached you about a business opportunity. The professional fees that skip tracers charge are normally more than the average home based business program offers in such a short period of time.
In a rocky economy, this is one business where the demand actually increases. Here is an overview of what is covered in the 101 (offered on October 25, 2008) program:
* Basic terminology for skip tracing. Get up to speed fast and sound like a pro so you can get paid like one.
* Specific techniques and Internet tools to use in the process of tracking someone.
* How to market these skills and actually set up a business to track people here in Atlanta and all over the world.
* How to protect your identity in the search process and stay under the radar.
* BONUS: Learn how to protect your own assets and protect your identity from identity theft, which is a growing epidemic.
This class is taught in our computer lab, so space is restricted to a dozen people. You will want to call 678-766-6666 and/or visit now to get signed up for one or both of these programs.
Procrastination could mean the difference between being able to do this yourself or having to pay a pro several times more to do the work for you.
Jewel Gantt, the instructor of the programs, has been in the industry over a decade and has been teaching for over 6 years. She has gained the respect of many detectives, forensic units and private investigators with her ability to get the job done. Jewel will really open your eyes to this exciting career field.
Aside from personal interest, you probably know someone that is in this type of financial situation.
Make sure you pass this information along to them so they can get what is rightfully coming to them. You'll be #1 in their book for a long time to come.
We appreciate your referrals to friends and family that need to make some career changes or just need some help.
Official Website:
Added by hollnerpromos on October 15, 2008